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Sorcerer Taqi of the Pit (#6917)

Owner: 0xcd4A…7019

The Lore of Sorcerer Taqi of the Pit and Wolf

It was many many years ago.

Before those years when Taqi had to live alone in this barren Pit land. When the wolf mother, who would later become her best friend, was just a baby wolf.

It is true that those lands are unproductive in harvest, but wisdom can be said to be gushing around the Pit. For decades, all wise wizards and wise tribes lived peacefully and friendly. Those lands were home to many wizards who got on well with each other. So what happened after that, there is no trace of that colony that got on very well with each other. Why did they compete with each other to smash the rules inherited from their ancestors ?!

Everything started with the dark magic that Necromancer Scratch did before he became 'Evil' and could not see where it would end. He cast a terrifying poisonous spell that poisoned and afflicted himself, as well as all wise wizards. And after a while, all those wise peoples were engaged in a war without a winner. And wars bring blood. Unfortunately, little Taqi's family was among the losers in this war like the others. Poor Taqi was miraculously surviving amid all these bad events. However, it was difficult to decide from the outside whether this was good or bad. Because he no longer had a family to take care of him, nor a wise tribe.

Fortunately, Taqi was still alive when the mother wolf stumbled upon him. The wolf took care of him like a cub. Together they formed a friendship that would last for many years. And this friendship would bring many stories to be told for many years to come. The adventure was just beginning for Taqi. .....

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