On June 20th, 2022, Forgotten Runes Wizard Cult hosted its first official satellite event, Enter the Runiverse, at Iron23 in New York City. A six hour long celebration filled with magic, drinks, lore, games, dancing, and more for all of The Cult and soon to be cult members.
Before anyone stepped foot into the event, Magic Machine, had been handing out comics to the masses all over NYC. Visiting locations such as: Times Square, Cool Cat Cooltopia, Bored Ape Fest, WoW Event, and various other locations! With thousands to give to incoming NFT lovers, no one was going home without a comic in hand. Our very first comic release, with claimable alternative cover art, in partnership with Coinbase. You can also grab a digital copy, for free!
We didn't stop there! We wanted everyone in New York to know about our party and project. Simple, SPREAD A TON OF POSTERS ACROSS THE CITY!
The stage was set! A small glimpse into our world and what to expect.
At 8PM, on Monday, the portal to the Runiverse opened and wizards & warriors flooded the space! An event to venture forth and explore, but no good story starts with, "a glass of milk." The Cult had multiple choices across various potions, concoctions, and food.
The next few hours would be filled with playing The Runiverse Game, giant art installations of frogs & mushrooms, the beastmasters & their origin stories, and the ability to create & stamp your lore on a typewriter--the Runiverse was being brought to life in front of everyone's eyes.
One of the most popular stations of the night was the merch station! Where individuals could claim two free pieces of merch, from various designs and items. No wizard or warrior should adventure into the night without a hoodie or tshirt! The cult provides!
The air was buzzing with laughter and talk, magic filled the room, and our local DJ had all the F'ing degenerates dancing. Then, 10:15 rolled around and the music stopped. Replaced by a mysterious song, our ritual had begun! Are we really a cult if we didn't have a ritual planned? Magus Wazir led a team of cloaked wizard down the stairs, next to the secret tower, while handing out jelly donuts for all your sacrificial needs.
Magus Wazir and his cloaked devotes walked through the crowd, all eyes on the ritual taking place. They made their way to the stage, the golden locks were unlocked, and out came Gigas Chad AKA Oliver Tree, for our main performance of the night! The party exploded and the show of a lifetime began!
But, no Gigas Chad set is complete without a little chaos! Half way through the set an individual went on stage and attempted to put a hat on Gigas Chad.
Scripted? No.
Rowdy? Yes.
Punched? Air punches.
A vibrant performance that had every wizard and warrior jumping in the venue. The set was closed out and Gigas Chad returned back to the Runiverse, but would be documented forever and heard all across media, even by TMZ! But, Gigas Chad's presence and energy was felt throughout the night. Party goers continued dancing and having a good time for the remaining few hours!
The crowd and party cried for time to stand still, it did not. The portal came to a close around 2AM. The party was a huge success. We will never forget the stories told, drinks shared, laughter had, and hugs given.
Most importantly, we could have not done any of this without the most crucial part, YOU!
This was a celebration for our community, our cult, our family, an electric event fueled by The Cult. We hope everyone enjoyed their time in the Runiverse. We hope a few new people joined The Cult. We hope to see you in our Discord and on Twitter!
Always remember, speak your truth! We will see you next year, NFT NYC, it was a LEGENDARY time.