Forgotten Runes Logo

Official Smart Contract Addresses of Forgotten Runes

  • Forgotten Runes Wizard's Cult - 0x521f9c7505005cfa19a8e5786a9c3c9c9f5e6f42

  • Book of Lore - 0x4218948D1Da133CF4B0758639a8C065Dbdccb2BB

  • Forgotten Souls - 0x251b5f14a825c537ff788604ea1b58e49b70726f

  • Forgotten Ponies - 0xf55b615b479482440135ebf1b907fd4c37ed9420

  • Forgotten Runes Infinity Veil (Sacred Flames) - 0x31158181b4b91a423bfdc758fc3bf8735711f9c5

  • Forgotten Beasts - 0x8634C23D5794Ed177E9Ffd55b22fdB80A505ab7B

  • Forgotten Beasts Auction House - 0x650Ec141A2315B8ACA9A661469514728B616275c

  • Forgotten Beast Spawn - 0x7de11a2d9E9727fa5eAd3094E40211C5e9cf5857

  • Forgotten Beasts Spawner - 0x1f0744C221cc98697D4De5596da3BE5E835dCB34

  • Gate to the Seventh Realm - 0xDa5cF3a42ebaCd2d8fcb53830b1025E01D37832D

  • Gate to the Seventh Realm Minter - 0xb1F1738cFb459f08f2F2fCa8c5469Ded57Dbe4eD

  • Forgotten Runes Warriors Guild - 0x9690b63Eb85467BE5267A3603f770589Ab12Dc95

  • Forgotten Runes Warriors Minter - 0xB4d9AcB0a6735058908E943e966867A266619fBD

The Guilds of Forgotten Runes

Guilds are functional subgroups within the Cult that collaborate to contribute in unique ways. Through the power of nimble, effective Guilds, the Wizards can combine their affinities for action and create magic for the community.