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Forgotten Runes Warriors Guild Mintonomics

Forgotten Warriors Gold Header

Mint is May 11th

Apply for Mintlist on Premint here

Forgotten Warriors: game, show, and membership to the Runiverse

Swords and Sorcery.

Might and Magic.

Wizards and Warriors have banded together since time immemorial.

The Forgotten Runes Warriors will join the Wizards in the Runiverse as we collaborate on building a decentralized world together.

There will be many benefits to owning a Warrior beyond the image of the original NFT.

Warrior Benefits Image Outlines

Forgotten Warriors will be playable in the upcoming Runiverse World MMORPG

Forgotten Warriors will appear in the show we're developing with Titmouse animation

Forgotten Warriors will be metaverse-ready and receive a rigged, game-engine ready 3D Model which can be used in metas like Nifty Island and 2D Walkcycles which can be used in 2D metas like Worldwide Webb3.

Warrior holders get commercial IP rights, exclusive airdrops, and access to the legendary Forgotten Runes alpha Discord channel.

But above all else, Warriors get to participate in the collaborative legendarium: a decentralized storytelling and world-building experiment where the community comes together and creates in the tradition of Middle Earth, Hogwarts, or Westeros - but one in which the collective IP is owned by the token holders instead of a single entity. You can see examples in the on-chain Book of Lore.

Holders who have written in the Book of Lore have received airdrops of The Sacred FlameForgotten Ponies and some Wizard holders have received tokens such as Forgotten Souls and Beast Spawn.

The team behind Forgotten Runes Wizards Cult is 10 full-time people (and another 30+ working on the Bisonic Runiverse Game).

The utility of the game, the show, the airdrops, and the Lore will all continue with Warriors and Wizards side-by-side.

We're aiming for Forgotten Runes to become one of the highest-grossing media franchises of all time.

Forgotten Warriors Mint May 11th

The mint will be phased, starting with a last-price Dutch Auction. Everyone pays the same final price.

Warriors Mintonomics

Phase 1: Last-price Dutch Auction Phase

The first phase of Warriors will be a true, last-price Dutch Auction. Everyone pays the same price.

The auction will begin on Wednesday May 11th at 10am PST.

There will be approximately 8,000 Warriors available in this phase.

The mint will start at 2.5 ETH and drop by 0.05 every 10 minutes until it reaches 0.6 ETH.

When this phase ends, refunds will be sent for whatever was paid above the final price.

That is, the final Warrior sold sets the price for everyone.

Phase 2: Mintlist Phase

The second phase of the Warriors sale will be for mintlist wallets only.

The mintlist phase will begin on Thursday May 12th at 10am PST.

Everyone on the mintlist will have 24 hours to mint a single Warrior.

The price of the Warrior will be the same as the final price in the Dutch Auction phase.

Phase 3: Public Phase

The third phase of the sale will be a public sale for all remaining Warriors that were not sold in the mintlist sale, if any.

The third phase begins Friday May 13th at 10am PST.

The price will be the price of the last Warrior sold during the Dutch auction.

Reveal will happen at the end of the Public Phase.


The True-Dutch-Auction allows everyone to know the fair price of the mint and, importantly, everyone gets the same price. There is no limit to the number that can be purchased per account in the Dutch Auction phase.

The Mintlist phase allows only one mint per spot - this should allow us to get Warriors into as many hands as possible. If you're on the Mintlist, a Warrior is reserved for you. This should help us minimize a gas war in this phase.

Additionally, we will be reserving 333 Warriors to be community grants to artists and creators. These Warriors will be gifted to The House of Wizards DAO who will establish guidelines and distribute them. The goal is to gift Warriors to active creators who will contribute art and lore to the community.

Supply Breakdown

  • Total Supply: 16,000

  • Phase 1 Dutch Auction: ~8,000

  • Phase 2 Holders & Allowlist: ~6,200

  • Phase 3 Public sale: Remaining, if any

  • Lore Writers Airdrop: ~1,100

  • Forgotten Council DAO Creators Fund: ~333

  • Team & Partners: ~325

  • Community Honoraries and Contests: ~50

Numbers marked with ~ are approximate.

Apply for the Allowlist Phase

To apply for the allowlist phase, visit our premint and complete the steps.

Anyone can apply, but priority will be given to holders of Forgotten Runes Wizards, Beasts, Beast Spawn, Ponies, and a few adjacent communities.

To stay up with the latest on the Warriors mint, be sure to join our Discord and follow our official Twitter account


Pricing above assumes ETH around $3,000 USD. The team reserves the right to update the high and low Dutch Auction price at any time.

During the Dutch Auction Phase, Magic Machine reserves the right to pause the auction if the site goes down or for any other reason.

Minting a Forgotten Runes Warrior is buying a piece of digital artwork and membership into the Forgotten Runes ecosystem including access to token-holder-exclusive channels, qualifying for potential airdrops, and access to writing into the Book of Lore.

By minting a Warrior you are bound by our terms of service. Please read it before minting.

Elysian Fields: Forgotten Runes Ponies

A herd of Ponies appears